About Innopsys
Formed in 1999, INNOPSYS SA is distinguished by its diverse and highly skilled teams, with expertise in optics, micromechanics, servomechanisms and embedded electronics, all coming from the DVD market. INNOPSYS develops, manufactures and sells instruments and associated softwares for the global marketplace.
Since 2001, INNOPSYS has rapidly expanded its business, particularly in biotechnology where we have forged partnerships with world-leading companies like bioMérieux.
We offer since 2006 a family range of portable, high perfromances microarray scanners, named INNOSCAN, adapted for biotechnological research and industry markets to such applications as diagnostics, agri-food, process control...
Our software MAPIX allows our customer to manage their microarray data with the best result possible. Our INNOSCAN scanners are the fastest scanners on the market.
Our new scanner INNOSCAN 900 has the best resolution on the market (up to 1 um) and is able to read future high density arrays.
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology