About H&A Scientific

H&A Scientific, Inc. is a scientific software development firm specializing in pharmaceutical industry support. We develop, validate, and market quality computing systems for scientific data acquisition, processing, and data management. We have been creating programs for the laboratory since 1992. Our products have been designed under our Quality System to adhere to the current GAMP guidelines. We develop Quality Software products based on the needs of pharmaceutical companies subject to the constraints and compliance of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Our flagship product, SLIM, is a commercial off-the-shelf solution for total management of a company's drug stability program.

Facts about H&A Scientific
  • Focus : Service
  • Industry : IT

Product portfolio of H&A Scientific

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Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory

The topic world Digitalization in the lab presents innovations and trends from digital data systems (ELN, LIMS) to laboratory robots and networked devices (IoT) to AI and machine learning.

1 products
1 whitepaper
1 brochures
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Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory

Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory

The topic world Digitalization in the lab presents innovations and trends from digital data systems (ELN, LIMS) to laboratory robots and networked devices (IoT) to AI and machine learning.

1 products
1 whitepaper
1 brochures