INSM Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft GmbH
About INSM Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft
The aim of the INSM is to adapt Ludwig Erhard's concept of the social market economy, which has proven itself over decades, to the present in such a way that principles such as entrepreneurial freedom, consumer sovereignty, personal initiative and equal opportunities can continue to develop their positive effects.
These principles enable everyone to achieve their personal and economic goals through ideas, initiative and commitment. They also guarantee constant innovation - the basis for lasting prosperity.
The Initiative sees itself in the role of providing the impetus for market-economy reforms that enable sustainable growth. This is also necessary to guarantee prosperity and quality of life for future generations.
The INSM promotes fair cooperation and respectful dialogue. To this end, we seek exchange with politics, science and the public.
- Focus : Service
- Industry : Other