Accelero Biostructures


About Accelero Biostructures

Accelero Biostructures was founded in 2015 to capitalis e on over 20 years of previous structural genomics and structural biology expertise using high-throughput protein X-ray crystallography. With the development and deployment of new platforms and services, ABS ServicesSM and ABS-OneStepSM, ABS-ServicesSM provides a unified pipeline of gene-to-structure protein X-ray crystallography and structural biology solutions aimed at the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries to support structure-based drug discovery and protein engineering, and ABS-OneStepSM is the next-generation platform for hit generation in early drug discovery to develop novel therapeutics using a fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) approach. Fragment library screening with ABS-OneStepSM resolves key bottlenecks in conventional FBDD approaches. ABS-OneStepSM provides an extremely sensitive, efficient, experimental, single-step approach for determining fragment hits and their 3D structures using high-throughput protein X-ray crystallography.

Facts about Accelero Biostructures
  • Founding: 2015
  • Focus : Service
  • Employees: 1-10
  • Industry : Pharma

Here you will find Accelero Biostructures