About Cole-Parmer

When scientific advancement and technological innovation converge, we meet the needs of our customers everywhere. We support the expanding needs of scientists throughout the world. Accepting that challenge comes with responsibility as we know that the scientific innovations of our customers can’t wait.

Working with urgency and purpose, Antylia Scientific brings mission critical products to our customers in support of their quest to discover and manufacture new therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostics.

We see the future of science through a sharply focused lens of human experience...

Our portfolio tells only a fraction of the story. Empathy for the people who are the beneficiaries of our work fuels our passion for creating the best science.

> Science with the power to transform lives

> Science that defines world-class precision, influencing industry standards everywhere

> Science that leverages smart technologies to make purchasing products and working in laboratories easier and more efficient

> Science that builds relationships based on trust and dream-job opportunities for people who want to work in any segment of our endlessly expanding industry

Facts about Cole-Parmer
  • Founding: 1995
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Laboratory equipment / supplies

Here you will find Cole-Parmer GmbH

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Topic World PCR

This groundbreaking and highly versatile molecular technique of PCR allows us to amplify tiny amounts of genetic material on a large scale and analyze them in detail. Whether in medical diagnostics, forensic DNA analysis or research into genetic diseases - PCR is an indispensable tool that gives us deep insights into the world of DNA. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)!

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Topic World PCR

Topic World PCR

This groundbreaking and highly versatile molecular technique of PCR allows us to amplify tiny amounts of genetic material on a large scale and analyze them in detail. Whether in medical diagnostics, forensic DNA analysis or research into genetic diseases - PCR is an indispensable tool that gives us deep insights into the world of DNA. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)!

15+ products
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