About Hach Lange

We provide a faster, simpler, more sustainable, more informative - short, better - water analysis. To achieve this, we use unique customer partnerships, highly competent experts and reliable, user-friendly products.

Facts about Hach Lange
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Employees: 1001-5,000
  • Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology

Product portfolio of Hach Lange

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Topic world Photometry

Photometry, the measurement of light intensity in relation to interaction with molecules, is a key tool in chemistry and life sciences. It enables researchers to determine concentrations of substances in solutions, follow reaction kinetics or check the quality of samples and provides valuable data for analyses, from quality control in the laboratory to clinical diagnostics.

2 products
2 whitepaper
2 brochures
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Topic world Photometry

Topic world Photometry

Photometry, the measurement of light intensity in relation to interaction with molecules, is a key tool in chemistry and life sciences. It enables researchers to determine concentrations of substances in solutions, follow reaction kinetics or check the quality of samples and provides valuable data for analyses, from quality control in the laboratory to clinical diagnostics.

2 products
2 whitepaper
2 brochures