About MiniOne Systems

MiniOne® Systems produce molecular biology equipment and labs designed specifically for biology classrooms.

MiniOne® Systems and MiniLabs are compact, affordable, classroom-safe versions of the Embi Tec technology you know and trust. Our electrophoresis and thermocycler have been called “revolutionary” and “game-changing” by educators world wide, and have made practical and relevant molecular biology concepts accessible to students in classrooms from New York City to the jungles of Peru. By allowing students to get hands-on with every step of the lab process from pouring gels to watching DNA separate in real-time, we’ve freed up teachers’ time while giving students a true hands-on lab experience.

Facts about MiniOne Systems
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Laboratory equipment / supplies

Product portfolio of MiniOne Systems

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Topic World PCR

This groundbreaking and highly versatile molecular technique of PCR allows us to amplify tiny amounts of genetic material on a large scale and analyze them in detail. Whether in medical diagnostics, forensic DNA analysis or research into genetic diseases - PCR is an indispensable tool that gives us deep insights into the world of DNA. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)!

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Topic World PCR

Topic World PCR

This groundbreaking and highly versatile molecular technique of PCR allows us to amplify tiny amounts of genetic material on a large scale and analyze them in detail. Whether in medical diagnostics, forensic DNA analysis or research into genetic diseases - PCR is an indispensable tool that gives us deep insights into the world of DNA. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)!

15+ products
5+ whitepaper
15+ brochures