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Josiah Clark Nott

  Josiah Clark Nott (* 31. März 1804 in South Carolina; † 31. März 1873) war ein US-amerikanischer Arzt und Rassentheoretiker.


  • Two lectures on the connection between the Biblical and physical history of man. Delivered by invitation from the Chair of political economy, etc., of the Louisiana university, in December 1848. (1849)
  • An essay on the natural history of mankind, viewed in connection with Negro slavery delivered before the Southern Rights Association, 14th December, 1850 (1851)
  • Types of Mankind: Or, Ethnological Researches, Based Upon the Ancient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, and Crania of Races, and Upon Their Natural, Geographical, Philological, and Biblical History: Illustrated by Selections from the inedited Papers of Samuel George Morton, M. D and by additional contributions from Prof. L. Agassiz, LLD; W. Usher, M.D.; Prof. H.S. Patterson, M.D. (1854)
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