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15 Infografiken zum Thema Zucker
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Es ist Kirschsaison, und die Kirschbäume schwanken derzeit unter dem Gewicht von Süß- und Sauerkirschen. Hier werfen wir einen Blick auf die chemischen Unterschiede zwischen den beiden, und warum Kirschkerne giftig sind.
Die Chemie des Ahornsirups
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle unsere kanadischen Leser! Um das zu feiern, hier ein kurzer Blick auf einige der verschiedenen Chemikalien in Ahornsirup.
Here’s a mini-graphic taking a quick look at what diabetes is, and the differences between the three main types.
The Facts and the Fiction
Over the past week, you may well have seen a couple of graphics purporting to explain the effect that drinking a can of Coke or Diet Coke has on your body. They’ve been picked up by arange of online news and media sites, and as a result circulated widely. Unfortunately, althoughsome of the ...
While some treesdrop their leaves in autumn, others stay green all year round. How do they accomplish this, and what’s the benefit? This graphic takes a look at some of the chemical tricks these trees utilise.
The Chemistry of Jam-Making
If you’ve ever tried your hand at jam-making, you’ll know that it’s something of a tricky process. A number of factors need to be just right to achieve a perfectly set jam – and chemistry can help explain why. There are three key chemical entities that go into jam-making: sugar, pectin, and ...
Es gibt kaum etwas Erwärmenderes als einen Becher Glühwein im tiefsten Dezember. Die exakten Rezepte können variieren, aber sie alle beinhalten einen gemeinsamen Kern von Zutaten, von denen jede etwas zum endgültigen Geschmack beiträgt. Diese Grafik untersucht einige der wichtigsten Chemikalien, ...
The Chemistry of Honey
Honey is something of an oddity, in that, unlike most foods, it doesn’t spoil over time. In fact, the oldest known sample of honey, found in an Ancient Egyptian tomb and dated to approximately 3000 years ago, was still perfectly edible (supposedly*). What is it, then, that gives honey ...
The Chemistry of Bread-Making
Though chemistry teachers might have to regularly field questions about the chemistry of ‘Breaking Bad’ these days, baking bread is probably more likely to figure on a list of their recreational activities. Bread-making is a process that seems simple, essentially involving the mixing of just four ...
It’s reaching that point in the year where warm weekends mean it’s timefor barbecues out in the sun. Here’s a topical graphic looking at the chemistry behind barbecuing food, and the compounds behind the smoky taste and flavour.
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