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8 Infografiken zum Thema Maillard-Reaktion


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Canada Day

Die Chemie des Ahornsirups

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle unsere kanadischen Leser! Um das zu feiern, hier ein kurzer Blick auf einige der verschiedenen Chemikalien in Ahornsirup.


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How Do Tanning Lotions Work?

The Chemistry of Fake Tan

We’re all well versed in the dangers of spending too much time in the sun. A goldentan after a few weeks away in the sun is everyone’s aspiration, but no-one wants to come back from a holidayred as a cooked lobster, hence the need for sunscreen (which we looked at in a previous post). However, ...


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Why is Coffee Bitter?

The Chemistry of Coffee

Mention coffee, and caffeine is the chemical compound name that immediately springs to mind. However, whilst caffeine’s effects on the brain are well documented –it binds to adenosine receptors in the brain – it has relatively little impact when it comes to the taste of coffee. Coffee, as it ...


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Baking Bread

The Chemistry of Bread-Making

Though chemistry teachers might have to regularly field questions about the chemistry of ‘Breaking Bad’ these days, baking bread is probably more likely to figure on a list of their recreational activities. Bread-making is a process that seems simple, essentially involving the mixing of just four ...


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The Chemistry of Barbecue

It’s reaching that point in the year where warm weekends mean it’s timefor barbecues out in the sun. Here’s a topical graphic looking at the chemistry behind barbecuing food, and the compounds behind the smoky taste and flavour.


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The Maillard Reaction

Food Chemistry

There’s one chemical reaction that, whether you have an interest in chemistry or not, we all carry out on a regular, maybe even daily, basis. That reaction? The Maillard Reaction. This is a process that takes place whenever you cook a range of foods – it’s responsible for the flavours in cooked ...


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Die chemischen Verbindungen im Aroma des Kaffees

Ob Sie ein Kaffeegenießer sind oder völlig ungeduldig, wie Sie Ihren Koffeinschub bekommen, der Duft des frisch gebrühten Kaffees am Morgen ist belebend. Die Chemie dieses Aromas ist jedoch alles andere als einfach; dafür ist eine komplexe Ansammlung von chemischen Verbindungen verantwortlich, ...


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Why Does Bacon Smell So Good?

The Aroma of Bacon

When it comes to breakfasts, there are few aromas better than that of bacon, sizzling and crisping in a pan. As part of a brief new series looking at the chemicals behind aromas, this graphic considers the chemicals that lend bacon it’s characteristically mouth-watering scent. Considering that ...


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