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207 Infografiken


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Schmidt Insect Sting Pain Index

This one looks at the Schmidt Pain Index, developed by entomologist Dr. Justin Schmidt to rank the pain of the various insect stings and bites he experienced as part of his work.


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Die chemische Struktur der Vitamine

Derzeit gibt es 13 bekannte Vitamine: die Vitamine A bis E, einschließlich einer Reihe von B-Vitaminen, und Vitamin K. Generell können wir alle Vitamine in zwei große Kategorien einteilen. Die fettlöslichen Vitamine, die Vitamine A, D, E und K, können von unserem Körper in der Leber oder im ...


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The Chemistry of Spider Venom

Spiders are the most numerous venomous animals on the planet; the number of species predicted to be in existence, 150,000, is thought to be greater than the numbers of all other venomous creatures combined. Almost all spiders, with only a few exceptions, produce venom, which serves the primary ...


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The Chemical Compositions of Insect Venoms

Insect venoms are complicated.Really complicated. You could be forgiven for thinking that it must be a relatively simple company of chemicals that makes up the painful sensation of a bee or wasp sting, but in fact a hugely complex mixture of all sorts of compounds – proteins, peptides, enzymes, ...


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The Chemistry of Body Odours

Sweat, Halitosis, Flatulence & Cheesy Feet

Halitosis In the majority of cases, the cause of bad breath, or halitosis, is the product of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria produce waste products, and it’s these chemical compounds that contribute towards halitosis. The phenomenon of ‘coffee breath’ has been linked by the Journal of ...


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The Chemistry of The Colours of Blood

Human blood, as well as that of most other vertebrates, is red as a result of haemoglobin, a large protein found in red blood cells which contains iron atoms within its structure. Haemoglobin is what’s known as a respiratory pigment, and it plays a vital role in the body, ferrying oxygen around ...


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Wie wirken Heuschnupfen-Medikamente?

Die Chemie des Heuschnupfens

Mit der Sommersaison kommt eine weniger willkommene Nebenerscheinung - die allergische Rhinitis, besser bekannt als Heuschnupfen. Obwohl die Pollen von Bäumen, Gräsern und Unkräutern der Ursprung des Heuschnupfens sind, ist es ein Biomolekül, das in unserem Körper produziert wird und welches ...


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